
The KINGDOM HEARTS chapter.2

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“Hi I’m Roxas, welcome to KINGDOM HEARTS.” Those words would live in infamy, forever echoing in his mind. “Welcome” He thought  again and again, lying awake at night trying to figure out how they could actually say “welcome” to him. A welcome is usually in order of a place a person wants to go, or chooses to go. Where did they get off trying to “welcome” him?! Like he chose to join their band of gallivanting  whores; fucking every man that walked through  the doors.
“-Welcome to KINGDOM HEARTS” the blonde boy spoke, face holding no particular emotion; Sora assumed  all emotion and individual thought had been fucked out him. Surely this would not be his fate too? Sora just stared at the blonde that had   informed him his name was ‘Roxas’; how could he be so casual?  Like working at as a prostitute was normal; then again maybe  it was to him.
“Are you gonna sit there and gawk at me all day, or a are you gonna tell me your name? ‘Cause I can tell ya right now we haven’t all day; believe me”  Roxas spoke getting a slight temper with Sora. The brunette gulped thickly. When he didn’t respond Roxas rolled his blue eyes angrily and stalked over to where Sora was sitting on the satin  red sheets. He flicked Sora in the head and got close to his face there blue eyes rivaling each other.

“Is there anything in there?” the blonde said referring to the brunettes head. “Helllllooooo? Anyone home? Come on! Just say something  damn it! I’m not gonna hurt you!” Roxas
spat growing impatient with the mute Sora before him. Sora opened his mouth carefully, trying to form words.

“I’m….Sora” he said quietly looking down at the sheets, feeling ashamed for not being able to speak such simple words. The blonde smiled at the small feat, his talking meant he wasn’t completely traumatized; making Roxas’ job a hell of a lot easier.

“Good now that we have you talking tell me a little about yourself, Sora” The blonde gazed lazily at Sora his blue eyes piercing the brunettes.  Sora wasn’t quiet sure how to respond to such a casual question in a place like this.  Well….Sora didn’t really know where he was….just assumed the place had to do with sex seeing as how when he woke up he was only in satin boxers.

“Ah um…well I like to fence; you know like with the padded suits and dull swords and stuff……and I like DDR……and techno…..and kittens…..the color blue and the beach a lot….., I like to rave and stuff with neon lights, pixy-sticks are my favorite kind of candy ummm…that’s about it I think.” The brunette rambled nervously. For some reason he felt he could trust Roxas, he seemed so….familiar.
“Oh yeah and I LOVE Roller Disco!” Sora piped um remember his passion for the so-called sport.
Roxas giggled a little, he could picture Sora in a Dark Blue crush velvet  pantsuit with a gold belt skating around with pixy-sticks in each hand and  a glow stick around his neck. The whole image seemed utterly hilarious; and had no doubt Sora put his whole heart into memorizing the dance moves and lyrics to the Bee Gee’s songs. Roxas was definitely trying to stifle his urge to burst out in laughter.

“How do you feel about karaoke?” Roxas asked almost knowing the answer would be a ‘yes’. Sure enough Sora’s eyes lit up with glee.

“I knew I forgot something! I LOVE it! Especially j-pop!” The brunette almost jumped up with excitement that Roxas liked it too.

“That’s good we do a lot of Karaoke here; definitely a lot of j-pop since most of us here are Japanese. I gotta warn you though, I’m the KING of Karaoke; I have a crown and everything. I suppose you can be the queen; pun intended of course!” Roxas laughed out loud, Sora obviously not understanding the ‘pun-intended’ remained silent. When Roxas finally calmed his hysteria he looked at Sora in front of him with his head tilted in confusion.

“What don’t you get it? Come on, your gay, you know queen?” Sora looked taken back by this comment.

“Gay?! I’m not gay, I even have a girlfriend….well sorta anyway; we’ve kissed before and stuff.”

“What?! What do you mean your not gay? How could you still want a woman after being raped?! I know I couldn’t imagine being with a woman!“ Roxas burst  out at Sora, the brunette jumped a little because Roxas had jumped to his feet and got in Sora’s face again.

“How did you know I was raped?!! Were you one of the ones who did that to me?!”

“Sora don’t be naïve, all of us here have been raped ; that’s just how KINGDOM HEARS works. They fuck the straight out of you, so that you don’t think about women; cause trust me you’ll forget they ever existed in a place like this.” Sora’s face look horror struck; he couldn’t believe what he was hearing. Roxas had the same thing done to him too?! Just how many people have they raped? Just what is the KINGDOM HEARTS?

“What exactly is this place anyway?” Roxas took a deep breath, that was the million dollar question; that Roxas had wanted to avoid telling Sora.

“To be  frank…..this is a whore house,  a brothel of men, a sick man’s harem; do you get Sora? We’re slaves. Both of us, not under control of our own bodies; with no escape what so ever.” the blonde whispered darkly, his gaze resting at his feet.

“No….” Sora whispered helplessly, he grabbed Roxas’s shirt pulled face toward his own. His blue eyes searching Roxas’s matching ones.  “What do you mean no escape? Haven’t you tried?!”

“Do you think I haven’t, everyone has at least once….but the price you pay for trying to run…”Roxas visibly shuddered, his eyes hold a look of fear; Sora looked crestfallen. “Sora just; just don’t do it okay? I don’t want you to go through what I did…..” Roxas looked very stern, his eyes appeared to be looking into Sora’s soul. Roxas gripped his shoulders tightly when the brunette looked doubtful, and the shook him.” Sora, you’ve gotta  promise me; I’m not kidding! Nobody has ever escaped, they’ve got ties to the Yakuza…….promise me right now!”

“But Rox-” Sora started, but was cut of by the persistent  blonde.

“I promise.” Sora looked down at the ground, he could feel the familiar sting of tears forming in his eyes. His chest ached , was this what he was left to? Was this going to be the rest of his existence ? Left to be fuck by god only knows who, for the rest of his life. Not ever knowing true love, marriage; or children? Never seeing his family again; his chest throbbed painfully at that thought. He loved his family more than any one teenage boy should. Without his family Sora was lost. He couldn’t stop the tears, or the loud sobs that accompanied them. Roxas grabbed his chest, he knew all too well how this felt; such a deep sense of hopelessness  that came with knowing their fate. Roxas doubted there was much in the world that could compete with the pain the boy in front of him was feeling. He was loosing his life basically, and everything  in it he held dear. The blonde wrapped his arms around the young teen, gently stroking his back. Sora clutched on to the blonde, glad to have some tenderness toward his plight. If he didn’t have Roxas, Sora was sure he’d die; if not by his own hands  he’d be killed by trying to run from this hell hole.

“It’ll be okay Sora, I’m here for you.” Sora buried his face into Roxas’s chest and sniffled, at least he had Roxas. Right now that seemed to be all he needed.


The brunette looked into the mirror, disgusted  with the way he acted. How could he let Riku get under his skin like that? Plenty of men had told Sora after climax that they loved him. Why did it upset him so much that  Riku said it? Was it because when he’d spent his first night at KINGDOM HEARTS Riku was all he could think of?

“God fucking damn it” Sora whispered his head leaning against the cool glass of the mirror. “Damn it, damn it god damn it…” this could not be happening to him, why was god doing this to him…he just become used to  his life; was it that fun for god to mess with him? Sora’s face was cold and sticky from sweat. His stomach churned, he was going to be sick if he didn’t leave Riku’s apartment. There was a soft nock on the bathroom door, Sora felt his stomach give on final warning lurch. He reached for the porcelain bowl and spewed the contents of his stomach; albeit wasn’t much, into the white bowl. Tears from the pressure fell down his face, and his throat burned as more came up to be ejected. He choked as he herd Riku’s voice.

“Sora are you okay?! Open the door, your not feeling well!! Sora-” that was all he herd as he belched more into the toilet, which by now was barely anything. He began a series of dry heaving. Once he calmed a bit, Riku attempted to  speak; but Sora began to heave again. Sora took deep breaths and pulled out his cell phone. He had to get out of here; luckily the bathroom had a window. He pressed number 2 on his speed dial and prayed his savior would answer. After sever anxious rings the so-called savior answered.

“Y’ello?” said a deep husky voice, Sora sighed a little; already feeling better.

“Hey it’s me Sora” he whispered afraid Riku was still at the door, Sora reached up and turned the vent fan on.
“Hey, um where the HELL are you?! Your ass in so much trouble! Siax has been looking for you like EVERYWHERE……he’s gonna taddle to Xemnas you know it.” Sora groaned knowing he was going to be punished.

“Yeah about that, do you think you could pick me up? I need to get out of this place like A.S.A.P…….lets just say it was a house call”

“House call? I hope your gonna get paid well to make up for missing half the day; so was it good at least?” Sora gagged loudly, ready to continue vomiting at the thought of Riku’s ‘love’ for him. “I guess not; you know me and Rox were like totally worried, don’t do this shit again Sora.”

“Fucking trust me it won’t happen again; ever. I’m sorry I didn’t mean to worry you guys; it seemed like a good idea at the time……” Sora gave his savior the address of Riku’s apartment and he quickly climbed out the bathroom window; wanting to say good-bye forever to not only this memory, but to Riku as well.
Yeah this is the second chapter to the story I submitted earlier this year. I am getting help with it from
Her DA: [link]

She helped me re-kick start this story, I'd wanted to for a looooong time, but was lacking ideas. Thank jesus for her, she gave me sooo many!!
But I hope you like the second chapter I am pretty proud of it myself!! :D

© 2007 - 2024 LaineyAnime15
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mouse-kimika's avatar
yEAh! Just as good as the first one, if not better!!! <333333333 Hopefully you'll keep me in touch with the next one